Martyn Tonkin

Martyn Tonkin has a sound knowledge of educational settings as systems and learning organisations. He currently works as an Associate with Devon EP service undertaking statutory-related assessments from pre-school through to post 16. He previously worked as a generic educational psychologist for 18 years during which he held a senior practitioner position with responsibilities for strategic planning in early years and overseeing citywide training to schools on a range of interventions. He has had extensive personal experience of working within integrated locality and multi-agency support teams, supervising Educational Psychologists in training and evaluating post graduate research assistants research projects. He has also had recent experience of working as a SENCo at an all age faith school and ‘Lead on Cognition and learning’ at a UTC college.


• Extensive casework experience of neuro-diversity issues across the age ranges and key stages
• In-depth knowledge of targeted and specialist interventions/ support arrangements particularly within mainstream settings
• Extensive experience in developing whole school approaches (e.g. dyslexia-awareness, autism-friendly practice, use of ‘circle of friends’, instructional psychology methods and motivational interviewing techniques)
• Wide-ranging experience of tribunals as a local authority employed psychologist

Profession: Psychologist

Courts or Tribunals: Education

Age groups: Adolescent, Child

Psychological Specialisms: ADHD, Autistic Spectum Disorder, Behavioural Difficulties, Child Mental Health, Learning Difficulties, School Problems

Therapies offered: